Tarot & Dream Analysis

Tarot Reading - 60 minutes


Hour long reading using a combination of tarot and oracle cards to fully explore your questions, options, and thoughts.

Career Coaching & Tarot - 30 minutes


Thirty minutes of tarot and oracle supported career coaching. Common career coaching topics include career pathing, job searching, interview skills, advocating for yourself in the workplace, conflict management, and people management.

Tarot Reading - 30 minutes


Thirty minute reading to provide general insight into 2-3 topics or questions. Oracle cards may be used along with tarot cards.

Dream Analysis - 60 minutes


Oracle supported dream analysis. Uncover what your subconscious is trying to tell you via your dreams. Prepare to discuss one dream and bring as much detail about the dream as you are able.

One-Topic Tarot - 15 minutes


Fifteen minutes to dive into one topic or question.

Dream Consult - 15 minutes


Learn to improve your dream recall and start paying attention to your subconscious. This is a great first step if you want to explore dream analysis but do not regularly recall your dreams.